Téléphone Bouygues Telecom

Bouygues Telecom Contact: How to Reach the Customer Service in France

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If you've moved or are moving to France, chances are you've looked into French phone providers. Among these is Bouygues Telecom, one of the major telecom suppliers in the country, offering a range of both mobile and broadband packages, in addition to TV and fixed phones options.

If you make Bouygues Telecom your provider of choice, you'll want to know how to join their customer service online in the event of an issue or query. Read on to find out exactly how to contact the Bouygues customer service.

Contact Bouygues Telecom: the Phone Numbers

Bouygues Telecom has a few different numbers, so make sure you know which one if the right one for your query.

Phones numbers - Bouygues Telecom phone assistance
Type of requestLine to call
Sign up to Bouygues3106
Track a purchase or activate a new line09 81 662 666
Queries about a mobile or a Bbox614 from a Bouygues mobile phone 
1064 from a fixed line 
+33 660 614 614 from abroad
Queries about a prepaid SIM card634 from a Bouygues mobile phone 
1034 from a fixed line 
+33 668 634 634 from abroad
Report phone loss / theft0 800 29 10 00
For business clients617 from a Bouyges mobile phone 
0 825 825 617 from a fixed phone /non-Bouygues mobile phone 
+33 981 664 053 from abroad

These client support lines are open between Monday and Saturday, from 8am to 10pm.

Want to Sign up for a Mobile or Internet Plan with Bouygues Telecom? Our English-speaking Selectra advisors are here to help! Call +33 9 74 59 56 84 Monday to Friday, from 9:30am to 7:30pm, or ask for a free callback, to sign up for a mobile phone or Internet plan with Bouygues Telecom.

What is the best time to ring the Bouygues Telecom Customer Helpline?

We recommend avoiding calling Bouygues during peak hours, which are presented below. Instead, when possible, ring them any day between Monday and Saturday from 2pm to 6pm, which are the calmer time slots with decreased chances of being put on hold for a long time.

Calling Bouygues Telecom: How likely am I to be put on hold for a long time?
8am to 12pmLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikely
12pm to 2pmUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikely
2 pm to 6pmUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikelyUnlikely
6pm to 8pmLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikelyLikely

Getting English-Speaking Customer Service from Bouygues

Unfortunately, you may find that Bouygues offers quite limited English-speaking support. Indeed, the operator does not have an English telephone line

If you really want English-language support, the alternative is to head to the Bouygues online forum, type in your question or search for your topic. You may find another user can assist you in English, or that help is already available. Another option is to try your luck in a Bouygues Telecom store, where a salesperson may be able to assist you in English.

Insider tip to get Bouygues English customer service: head over to their social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, on which employees are often likelier to be able to help.

Bouygues Telecom Online Customer Service

If you'd rather formulate a written query, and are comfortable doing so in French, the Bouygues Telecom online support will be a great alternative for you. It's even more efficient option than ringing the operator, as you'll avoid being put on hold.

If you're alreary a Bouygues client, the simplest way to contact the provider is via your Bouygues online personal space (Espace Client Bouygues Telecom). You can log on by entering the username and password that were sent to you upon subscribing.

On the platform, you can get access to the following services:

  • Help with technical issues (Urgences et dépannage)
  • Track your data consumption (Info Conso or Consommation en cours)
  • Access your bills (Factures et Paiements)
  • Access discounts or change your package (Offres & options)
  • Information about Bouygues mobile phones and SIM cards(Mobile & Carte SIM)
  • Information about Bougues broadband and Internet devices (Offre & équipements)
  • Change or update your contact details (Contrat & cordonnées)
  • Get exclusive customer rewards (Avantages client)

If you're not yet a customer, you can contact Bouygues Telecom:

How to write to Bouygues Telecom

We don't recommend contacting Bouygues via mail for general requests, but if you want to cancel your subscription, this will be the appropriate method. You have to make sure your letter will be signed for ("lettre recommandée avec avis de réception").

In your cancellation letter (lettre de résiliation), make sure to include :

  1. Your full name (first name, family name) and contact details
  2. Your account number (identifiant abonné)
  3. Your account ID (numéro de Ligne de l’abonné).
  4. The cancellation date

To cancel a mobile plan, send your letter (don't forget to ask for an avis de réception at the post) to the following address:

Service Client Bouygues Telecom - Mobile 
TSA 59013 
60643 Chantilly Cedex

To cancel an internet plan, send your letter (again, don't forget to ask for an avis de réception at the post) to the following address:

Service Client Bouygues Telecom – box et ligne Fixe 
TSA 59013 
60643 Chantilly Cedex

Note that for a broadband cancellation, a one-month's notice is required. Beware that if you terminate your contract before its end, you will have a fine to pay.